
Kevan’s Experience

“I’ve had the opportunity of participating in Ethann’s weekly energy transfer sessions for almost 2 years and have had phenomenal results. Within 3 months of my first transfer, I began unlocking my clairvoyant, psychic, and healing abilities, which have been expanding ever since. I always feel karmic energetic knots within my body release as soon as the session begins. Afterwards, my mood is elevated for days and I am able to handle stressful situations easily. I was born with Cerebral Palsy and use crutches to walk. I have noticed I have had much better posture and balance since starting the transfers. Often times, I find myself being able to grasp spiritual concepts that I had trouble previously understanding. Regular sessions have raised my consciousness significantly, and allowed me to gain a new perspective surrounding situations in my life that need healing. Through the energy transfer process, I have been able to delve deep within myself and heal deep emotional wounds I didn’t even know I had. I am extremely fortunate to have been a part of the transfer program since the very beginning, and it has been a blessing to have known Ethann. I consider him part of my family and he has helped me grow spiritually and emotionally in more ways than I can count.” – Kevan R

Benefits Of The Monthly Advanced
Energy Transfer Program

Awaken to your true gifts and soul’s purpose.

Studies of the human aura, voice profiling, channeled messages, and participant feedback, have all shown that regular energy transfers will increase feelings of happiness, peace, and well-being, expanding the size of the aura and accelerating the evolution of the soul.

Repeated participation in energy transfers, will remove negative frequencies of energy accumulated from environmental toxins, restoring your true nature and accelerating the growth of consciousness.

Many have reported that they are able to cope with turbulent relationships that were the source of a great deal of suffering prior to an energy transfer.

Some individuals encounter sudden breakthroughs in health, immense energy, greater inner peace, and joyfulness.