About Ethann
Ethann Fox is a spiritual teacher, energy healer, the founder of the Flower of Life Center for Human Evolution and the visionary behind the Awake and Empowered Expo. His background in the business and financial markets as a professional trader and business owner is coupled by over 20 years as an accomplished astrologer and numerologist. Walking both the spiritual and business worlds, Ethann’s experience has given him an unconventional view and approach to personal happiness and professional success, melding the two as one.
In late 2010, Ethann experienced a spiritual awakening that changed the course of his life and the Flower of Life was established soon after. Through the understanding of many unusual and profound healing events, and meeting with a gifted aura reader, he has come to understand his true purpose of raising the consciousness of others through his energy field. He now uses this divine gift to help others live a happier and more fulfilling life and aid in the transition to a new world consciousness. Ethann facilitates energy transfers in private and group settings, while inspiring volunteers on a collective mission of furthering awakening through his organization, Flower of Life. His vision manifests in the expression of a variety of projects including his radio show, expo, conscious activism movement, Conscious Youth group and the design of an alternative school for children. Ethann also utilizes his background as the owner of a branding and marketing agency in conjunction with his spiritual gifts and astrology/numerology expertise to assist many lightworkers on the planet to identify their soul?s purpose and express it through mainstream tools and technology. He offers this service on a private consultation basis, combining all aspects of his experience, education, personal history and spiritual awareness.
Ethann’s natural curiosity and logical, left-brained mind-set has gained him a reputation as a genuine yet persistent and respected interviewer. He has a distinct talent for blending the spiritual and physical worlds in a way that gives audiences around the world a better understanding of how to adapt new world tools into their modern reality.

About Micheila Sheldan
Micheila Sheldan is an intuitive channel, Executive Director of the Flower of Life Center for Human Evolution and Marketing Director of the Awake and Empowered Expo. During a struggle to overcome chronic pain, Micheila experienced a shift of awakening, discovering her intuitive gifts and launching a journey to better understand her connection to the spirit world. In the course of her healing process, she left behind her role as a marketing consultant and soccer mom to step fully onto her soul's path as an intuitive channel.
Micheila has the ability to channel a variety of multi-dimensional, extraterrestrial and angelic beings to answer questions about our history, current challenges and where we are headed in the future. She joins Ethann each month on Awake and Empowered TV to bring universal channeled messages to the listening audience. Through her transformational experience, Micheila has come to understand that her channeled messages are vibrational in nature, energetically uplifting and healing those who hear them and allowing Lightworkers to firmly step onto their soul?s path and serve as a human conduit for healing energies. By tuning in each week, listeners will gain inspiration and tools to maintain and raise their vibration, as well as heal and open their energy field, by directly connecting with the consciousness of multi-dimensional beings who are here to support our evolution.