Advanced Lightworker Program
Reveal and live your soul's purpose
In order to have true and lasting change that creates a fulfilling life, we must consider all aspects of our experience including the body, the mind, the spirit, and the material dimensions. Now more than ever, Lightworkers on the planet are being called to bridge the gap between the 3rd and the 5th Dimensional energies. Transitioning during this turbulent time can be challenging, as you uncover your soul’s plan to work in harmony with new, collectively-based energies of the planet.
Ethann Fox has developed a unique formula to help Lightworkers reveal their mission and bring their gifts into the world to fulfill their true purpose. His Advanced Lightworker Program is a personal journey, examining all aspects of the self and using them in concert to achieve happiness, fulfillment and the abundance to thrive in the 5th Dimension. Ethann’s toolbox includes using scientific research, astrology, numerology, psychological studies, spirituality and consciousness in concert to fulfill your soul’s purpose. He will explore your numerology and astrology cycles in depth to plan a roadmap to success, identify your personal strengths and weaknesses and determine your best areas of focus. You will receive regular, consciousness raising energy transfers to remove density and access your spiritual gifts. Ethann will also help you understand the importance of close relationships and how they are intimately connected to your personal success, health, and inner peace. Ethann’s background in the business and financial worlds gives him the ability to help Lightworkers create a vision and launch their creative gifts as a concrete product or service area that can cross both the alternative and mainstream worlds. He will also give his perspective and advice on how to design and market your spiritual products and services to transition them into the changing global economy of the New Age.
This program is tailored specifically to you! As you walk through the Advanced Lightworker Program with Ethann expect complete transformation in all areas, allowing you to reach your highest potential, falling in line with your soul’s plan and creating a new life filled with abundance in all areas.